Wednesday, 12 December 2007

Internet Saftey powerpoint

This is my PowerPoint presentation about Internet safety click on the link and have a look at it if you want.

Wednesday, 5 December 2007



To day we are doing a PowerPoint presentation about Internet safety and continuing on it next week.

Wednesday, 28 November 2007

Mock Assessment

Today i did a mock assessment and i have could of done better.
i need to revise more on the type of virus and and what they mean.

Monday, 26 November 2007

What i did at the weekend?

This weekend i just worked the two days and saw the Christmas lights go on but not the tree lights.


Today i did a mock assessment and passed it!!!!!!!

Wednesday, 21 November 2007


  • What is Cyberbullying? Cyberbullying is when a child is getting bullying and harassment by use of electronic devices though means of e-mail etc.

  • Why do you think people cyberbully? They bully people because they are angry, revenge or frustration with each other. They also might cyberbully because they are bored and have to many tech toys available and they might be doing it just to get a laugh out of it.

  • What should the target do? The child that is getting bulled should be reported to a parent or a school teacher.

  • What should the school or college do? The school or college should try and solve it by using disciplining if that does not work they can apply for their actions exceeded their legal authority for off-campus cyberbullying actions

  • What should the Government do? They should put up a new law

  • New laws have just been passed to deal with cyberbullies. Do they go far enough? The parents get fined 1000 pounds.

Wednesday, 14 November 2007

Danagers of the internet for young people

The five points that could be a problems/dangers on the Internet:

1. Meeting people on line and chatting to them
2. They could loose there Privacy like giving out their telephone number, e-mail address that could
endanger their family and friends.
3. Getting into online fights
4. If they put information on line and it is a lie and they could get comments back
5. File sharing they could open a virus or open a unwanted e-mail.

The safe site is the penguin club because they are watched all the time, they cant trace it back to who sent the files, they don't give out their own personal data. That's the difference between the safe sites and the other sites.

Wednesday, 31 October 2007

Zombie Computers

The website that i got the picture from is

A computer containing a hidden software program that enables the machine to be controlled remotely, usually to perform an attack on another computer. is a computer zombie. Zombies have been used a lot to send e-mail spam. This allows spammers to avoid exposure and most likely reduces their bandwidth costs, since the owners of zombies pay for their own bandwidth.

Wednesday, 17 October 2007

Unwanted E-mails

The things you have to look out in an e-mail if you have not had an e-mail before are:

  • if your a customer they should know your name instead of dear customer

  • if your a member or not

  • if they ask you for your log in details

  • if they spell words wrong

  • if they say something alone the lines like please don't respond

if in doubt of the e-mail just delete it straight away.

This is the website that i got the information from

Wednesday, 10 October 2007

Internet Safety

i forgot my user name and could not get in but i remembered it eventually

Today i learned about zone alarm is a freeware and can be downloaded and installed for personal use.

Wednesday, 3 October 2007

Experinces/time in college

My experiences in college is meeting new friends and staying in touch with my friends from school and getting along with the course work.
And having a good time as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

disney charcters

This is the picture of Winnie the poo and some of his friends that i like.
the website that i got it from is

About Me

Hi, I'm Jen
I have a part time job and i have been working there for one year and 5 months.
I have one sister and i live with my mum and and my dad.
I picked this course cause i want to learn more about computers and how to use some of applications and im at aberdeen college studing the computers course that i said.